Summer 2017

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Picture This

*Family of five waking very early and skipping breakfast in order to catch flight home.

*Family of five arriving at airport without much time to spare.

*Dad and oldest child bringing in luggage on stroller, when stroller craters and bags go flying.

*Miscommunication between Dad and Mom.

*Family of five getting all the way up to the security check-point (after standing in line for a while) before realizing they don't have all their boarding passes printed out.

*Dad running back to ticketing area to print boarding passes, while Mom and kids wait near security check-point.

*Oldest child's backpack seized and searched by TSA officers, and bottle of water confiscated.

*Family of five boards plane just minutes before take-off, only to find that there are only middle seats available.

*Flight attendants ask other passengers to move around to accommodate late family of five.

*Dad and oldest child in one part of plane. Mom and two youngest kids in another.

*Two older kids forced to switch seats when middle kid needs to go potty while Mom is feeding baby. Neither kid happy about switch.

*Medical emergency aboard plane in the row directly in front of Mom and oldest child, which occupies all flight attendants and two nurse passengers for at least half the flight and blocks all access to rear restroom.

*Sleeping baby filling diaper to overflowing, covering himself and Mom.

*A landing so exciting that people throughout the cabin screamed out loud.

*Harried family of five disembark, pick up luggage and catch shuttle to pick up car.

*Mom and kids (and luggage) wait at curb for Dad to bring van.

*Dad has problems getting car out of garage and must back up garage ramp around a curve.

*Family of five arrive home safely and try to put this travel nightmare behind them.


  1. oh no. What a trip. And now you have to worry about Ruth and her terroristic water tendencies.

    Glad you are home safe and sound.

  2. Glad you are home safe, I hope the visit was better than the return trip home.

  3. wow.
    That's a seriously impressive crazy day!!!

  4. I bet you were so glad to finally get home to your own house. What a long and exhausting day.


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