Summer 2017

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Could've Been a Nasty Spill

One of Weston's very favorite activities is to watch our picture slide show that I run as the screen saver on my computer. It's really the only thing that can hold his attention for more than a few minutes. My rule is he can watch them, but he can't touch the computer or anything on the desk, and he's very good about keeping his hands off. Today the desk was particularly messy because Jeff and I both had things we needed to print, and Jeff even left a cup of tea sitting there. When Weston asked if he could watch the pictures, I deliberately moved the tea. A few minutes later, Weston found me upstairs a began to explain:

Weston: Mommy, I spill. I sorry.

Mom: You spilled something?

Weston: Yes. I spill on you compooter.

Mom (thinking the worst): What did you spill?!

Weston: I spill you e-mail on flo by compooter. I sorry.

(A quick inspection showed a pile of bills apparently swept off the desk onto the floor. Definitely could have been worse)!


  1. Oh, break my heart! Look at him being all honest and forth-coming!

  2. oh yes, I thought that conversation was going to go a different way. Whew!


Say what you need to say