Summer 2017

Monday, May 19, 2008

Little Visitors

We have lived in this house exactly six years. And we have seen the occasional creepy-crawly in our time here. But we have never seen the likes of the the spider population that has come out to bid us farewell. There are spiders of every shape and size in every nook and cranny. It's crazy! I don't have spider issues, so this doesn't really creep me out. I just find it sort of fascinating. Have they been hiding here all along and are just coming out because we're moving things around? Or is there some other phenomenon at work here? What do you think?


  1. Probably they've been there all the time. But it's also spring and they're all hatching too. I bet it's a combination...

  2. We've got baby spiders everywhere down here! It's that time of year. I think the babies are starting to hatch their own babies. Generations of spiders...and they're all headed for my house! :) We just sprayed the outside with Ortho Home Defense Max. Good stuff.

  3. I don't know if our house will every be clean enough to find the millions of little spiders in corners that we can't see. :-)


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