Summer 2017

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Fancy Party

Ruth has long been a fan of the Fancy Nancy books and an even longer fan of anything over the top.When we celebrated my Mom's birthday earlier in the week, she was impressed that my dad (who had come from work) was so dressed up for the party, and she got the idea of a fancy party stuck in her head. When she found out we would be having a birthday party while we were in Vegas, she immediately made sure everyone packed some "fancy" clothes to wear to her party. Yesterday, Mimi took her to The Cupcakery to pick out some fancy cupcakes and gave her some fancy restaurant choices, of which she chose The Elephant Bar and Grill. So, tonight we got all dressed up in our finery and headed over to the restaurant for a wonderful meal. But the big surprise came after dinner. Unbeknownst to Ruth, Mimi and Grandpa arranged for a limo to pick us all up at the restaurant and take us on a little drive down The Strip. Ruth was absolutely thrilled and just felt so grown up. In fact, we all had a blast! It was the perfect gift for such a fancy little lady and she will certainly remember it fondly for years and years.


  1. HOW COOL are mimi and Grandpa!!! What a fun party!

  2. WOW WOW WOW. What a fantastic party!!! I am so jealous!

  3. oh wow! I'm so jealous - I've never been in a limo!


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