Summer 2017

Thursday, March 20, 2008

We Interrupt This Program...

We're off to the lake this afternoon, since Ruth doesn't have school tomorrow. We will surely return on Sunday with stories to tell and pictures to view. Hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend!


  1. Hey Mandi! I came across your blog after having looked at Katie's blog. Christan had given me Katie's blog address. I have been checking in on your blog periodically and always meant to leave a comment. I just read your facts entry and thought now was a good time since I was there when you met Jeff. I am so sorry that we have lost contact.

    Luke and I moved from Texas in 2003 to Arizona. In 2006, we moved to Montana. I now have a blog, so you can see what we are up to. Your family is awesome- I can't believe that you have a kindergartener.

  2. Hope you have a good weekend!

  3. RACHEL!!! Oh my goodness! What a surprise! I'm so glad you found my blog! I hope we can reconnect now. I wish I would have known you were in Texas. I would love to have seen you. Maybe next time... I'll add you to my blog list so I can check in on you and keep up with your goings-on. And you feel free to stop by here any time!


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