Summer 2017

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Playing, But Not By The Rules

Well, I've been tagged, and I never was really very good at being "It." So, instead of tagging others I'll just share my fun facts, and we can all go about our normal lives. But first I need to think of my fun facts. Hold on...

...Hmm, this is kind of hard. I'm trying to think of some things you all don't already know, but I'm kind of an open book here.

...Well, I may just have to put facts, whether known or not, so here we go:

  1. Jeff and I met in high school at Student Council camp in San Angelo, TX and were pen pals for about a year before ever having a date. We started dating in college and were married right before our senior year. This year we will celebrate our 10th anniversary.
  2. I spent three weeks in Africa when I was 17.
  3. I LOVE to travel!! Any time. Any where. Just let me get my purse.
  4. All of my kids have at least one name that is a family name--Ruth was Jeff's grandmother's name, Wayne (Weston's middle name) is my grandfather's name and Max Andrew comes from Jeff's dad (Maxie) and Jeff's grandfather's middle name.
  5. I just realized that No. 4 is actually facts about my kids rather than myself, so I'll try again and hope to stay on task: My maiden name is Pope and when I was a kid I wished my parents would have named me "Hope Pope."
  6. My massage chair is easily my favorite piece of furniture. It would be worth going back into the house for if there was a fire.
  7. I have an unreasonable fear of cockroaches and have been known to use an entire can of Raid on just one of these disgusting creatures. (I also have an unreasonable fear of rats, but you already know all about that).
  8. I love to scrapbook, though I don't have much time or space for that at the moment. I also like lots of other crafty things--but never, ever anything that involves sewing.
  9. I always drink a Diet Dr. Pepper at 10:00 in the morning, if possible. And sometimes I treat myself to another one in the afternoon.
  10. I do not ever step on a scale, unless forced to at a doctor's office. Nothing good can come of me knowing and obsessing over that number.
  11. (This is a bonus to make up for No. 4): I enjoy crossword puzzles but only ever work the one in the airline magazine when I'm flying somewhere. I also like logic puzzles and sudoku puzzles and wish I had more time to play around with them.

1 comment:

  1. I share that cockroach fear and have done the same with a full can of Raid.

    Interesting stuff!


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