Summer 2017

Friday, March 28, 2008

I'd Like To Have That One Back

That moment when I handed over my shopping list (with two separate listings for undergarments) to the little helpy-helperton in Fry's so she could see the number of the printer cartridge I wanted to replace. She didn't know if they had it or not, but she proceeded to take it from me and show it to no less than 5 other (male) employees. By the time they had all had a good laugh looked it over and agreed that they didn't sell what I needed, the kids were restless and the baby was crying, and consequently, I forgot to ask for my list back. I was pretty embarrassed when I realized that I had left Helpy with my list. And with my shopping unfinished, I would have to work from memory. Yikes! (Though I clearly remembered the undergarments)!

When I relayed this story to my husband with a bit of a blush, he added the normal, helpful Jeff perspective: "O.k. so now everyone who works at Fry's knows you wear underwear. (So what's the big deal)?" Yeah, so I guess that isn't much of a surprise. But to have it listed there for everyone to see...

...Oh, but wait, I've just shared it with the world, so I guess it doesn't really matter so much, huh?!

1 comment:

  1. Guess you'll have to make two lists now- one for the daughter and one for yourself. :)


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