Summer 2017

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Pants

Every other month or so we do what we call "The Big Shopping Trip" at Costco. Today was that day. The boys were with me, of course, and they were doing great. We got down to just about five more items on the list, when Weston announced that he needed to go potty. I waffled momentarily between finishing the shopping and getting home for his nap or actually trying to go forward with this potty training business. The latter choice won out. So, I found a parking place for the over-flowing shopping cart, unloaded both kids and headed off to the bathroom. As we entered the stall, I realized that what Weston meant by "I need to go potty" was actually "I just went potty," for his jeans were wet in all the right places. Of course, I had no extra clothes, and he staunchly refused to put back on the wet pants. So, finally I gave in and took him back out in the store with no pants--just his wild fish-patterned shirt, a Cars pull-up, white athletic socks and his new brown tennis shoes. It was a sight to behold, and I wish I had thought to take a picture. He was perfectly happy with his new situation, and I was thoroughly amused with his chubby little white legs swinging freely from the shopping cart. Who needs pants, anyway?!



    But, alas, all of us kept our pants on.

    Mandi, I would have done the exact same thing :) Hilarious.

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Sorry. Look please here


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