Summer 2017

Saturday, February 09, 2008

A New Bit Of Bling

Some of you long-time readers may recall the ear-piercing incident Ruth and I shared a while back. I was pretty sure the experience had left us both scarred for life and completley unwilling to attempt a repeat performance. But Ruth's need for bling finally overcame her all-consuming fear, so today we braved the mall--much scarier than the piercing--and Ruth came home with two perfectly pierced ears! She climbed up in the chair like the Queen of the World, and she didn't cry or even flinch! The ladies who did the piercing said they had never seen anyone be so brave. This evening I asked her how her ears were feeling, and she said, "Now they just feel like regular ears. They don't hurt at all." And here she is, in all her pierced-ear glory:

1 comment:

  1. Yea, Ruth! So brave and that's some pretty bling as a reward.


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