Summer 2017

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Half Way To Belize

I do wish we were literally half way there, but, alas, we are only half way to getting the paperwork to get there. Ruth's passport expired in January and, of course, Max hasn't previously had one, so today was "Passport Day." In four to six weeks, we should be all set to go just about anywhere. Unfortunately, we don't have anything official planned until this summer, when we will be off to Belize. I. Can't. Wait.

I got my first passport when I was seventeen and couldn't believe I was getting one so young. But then I had kids. Ruth got her first passport when she was 7 months old, Weston got his when he was less then two months, and Max will have his by the time he's three months old. Amazing.


  1. oh Belize is supposed to be beautiful. Is this a vacation, mission, work?

  2. Is it fairly easy to get them done for little kids? Neither of mine have them but I need to do them this spring.

  3. This is vacation. Jeff's parents and his brother and wife are also going. So, it'll be a big ol' party. Plus, we'll have some extra hands to help with the kiddos!

  4. oh WOW! That sounds like sooooo much fun!


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