Summer 2017

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Good Read, Good Reader

Good Read

I finished this book this morning, and it is just amazing! It reads like the book of Acts, and it reminded me that the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. His project has always been salvation, and He has been busy accomplishing that purpose in many ways all over the world since the beginning of time, up to and including the time we are living. He accomplishes that purpose through the lives of men and women who are willing to give themselves completely to Him, to be used in the way that He desires, and who are willing to listen to and obey His voice no matter what. This book is at once convicting and encouraging; challenging and inspiring. I would say it's a must-read for every believer. I am certain I will read it again and again.


Good Reader
Ruth finished her Swiss Family Robinson book tonight to much cheering and applause from some of her biggest fans! She started the 238-page, 16-chapter book on Jan. 17 and steadily and quickly worked her way through it without much trouble. She started out reading half of a chapter at a time and then worked her way up to a chapter a day. Today, however, in her enthusiasm to finish, she read 3 1/2 chapters! We are so proud of her and are, quite frankly, somewhat amazed! She has already picked out her next book, which will be Black Beauty.

1 comment:

  1. I have The Heavenly Man on my pile of books right now to read. I find it quite interesting that you mention this "He accomplishes that purpose through the lives of men and women who are willing to give themselves completely to Him, to be used in the way that He desires, and who are willing to listen to and obey His voice no matter what. " This message has been sent to me several times in the last few days . . . He works in wonderous ways, doesn't He?

    GOOD FOR RUTH!!! She is brilliant and determined.


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