Summer 2017

Friday, February 01, 2008

Building A Better Life

Most parents want a "better life" for their children than what they themselves have had. That means something different to each individual, but tonight, through the following conversation, we found out what it means to Ruth.

Ruth: Why do parents get to make all the decisions?

Mandi: Well, that's just a one of the responsibilities of being a parent. When you are a parent, you will get to make all the decisions.

Ruth: Well, I know one thing: I want my kids to go to daycare.

Mandi: Oh really. Why is that?

Ruth: Well, I just think it would be a lot of fun for them. And one other thing...I want my kids to go to Jollyville, but I want them to ride the bus!


  1. Oh - I bet she changes her mind as she gets older.

    I had to ride the bus my first 3 years of elementary school (outside Nashville, TN) and it was horrible.

  2. Anonymous7:41 AM

    John Henry has been requesting to go to day care or after school care as well! I guess having the privelage to spend time with your mother just doesn't rate anymore.


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