Summer 2017

Friday, January 11, 2008

Stalled Out

** This Post Contains Adult (Woman) Content**

So two weeks ago, I went to the OB/GYN and she said I was dilated to 1 1/2 cm and was 50% effaced. I thought that was a pretty good start, considering I was still three weeks from the due date. Last week she said I was dilated to about 2- 2 1/2 cm and still 50% effaced. Since then, I have moved furniture and cleaned and organized, etc. etc. I've had lower back pain and various other discomforts, so I thought I was really making progress. I just knew when I went in today she was going to say, "Well, you might as well just go ahead and go upstairs; you're going to have this kid any minute." Imagine my disappointment when she said instead, "No change since last week. See you next week." The last few weeks of pregnancy are just torture--in more ways than one. The hardest part, though, is definitely the waiting. So close, yet so far away, you know?!

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