Summer 2017

Sunday, January 06, 2008

A Place For Everything, And Everything In It's Place

Oh, how I wish that were true! But it simply isn't, so we're just having to improvise. The nesting continues--slowly but surely. We actually have the cradle in place now...and lots of other things out of place. At one point I felt so completely overwhelmed, I just sat down and cried...and cried and cried. It was completely ridiculous, but it felt good to get that out of my system. I do think we're going to get there. And, as Jeff was kind enough to remind me, even if we don't, it's not really that big a deal. Ruth told me at dinner that it feels like we have a totally new house, if that gives you any idea what things have been like around here.

*For those of you inclined to worry, please don't. I'm not doing any heavy lifting and I even allowed myself the luxury of a nap today.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are on the right track. Everything will work out.

    Glad you got a good nap in today and everyone needs a good cry every now and then.


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