Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Hero Of The Day Award Goes To...

...My Mom! She showed up at my house today--as a total surprise--with her work clothes and can-do attitude to help me get some of the overwhelming mess under control. By the time she left, we could see the floor in the baby's room and were even able to vacuum in there. (Which may not sound like too great a feat, but you should have seen what we started with)! Jeff also got the "big boy" bed moved into Weston's new room. It is still unmade, but hopefully before too long he will actually be able to sleep in there. There are still plenty of things that I would like to get done before Baby arrives, but after today, I feel like he could show up anytime without sending me into some kind of stress-induced meltdown--which is good for everyone I assure you!

1 comment:

  1. Unexpected help is so nice. I am in debt to a couple people for their serving attitudes that have helped out my house.


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