Summer 2017

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Reading Update

Ruth's newest reading poster was points-based rather than book based--meaning she had to earn 5 points rather than read a certain number of books. We are assigning points to the books based on the points assigned by the Accelerated Reader Program. Most of the books she has read up to this point have been zero or half-point books. Well, today, she finished her first 1-point book-- a 55-page, 7-chapter book with mostly words and only a few pictures. She's been working on this one for a while, but today she insisited on reading for two straight hours just so she could finish. This completed her poster and boosted her confidence even more! She was soooo pleased with herself, and Jeff and I couldn't be prouder! I'm sure in no time at all she'll be tackling War and Peace!


  1. yea, Ruth! Good job.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I have third graders that don't earn 5 AR points in an entire 9 weeks. Tell Ruth I am very proud.

  3. Crystal! So good to hear from you! Your comment made us even more excited for Ruth! We will pass along your sentiments to her.


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