Summer 2017

Monday, December 17, 2007

Are You Free Between 8:00 and October?

As you all know, my dishwasher decided to die on me just after Thanksgiving. And so, since then I have been waiting somewhat patiently to have it replaced. My waiting included these steps:
  • Call Home Warranty Company (HWC).
  • Be transferred to Service Company (SC).
  • Set up appointment with SC. ("We can come out on Monday...between 10:00 and 3:00. Do you need us to call you before we show up")?
  • Bad report for dishwasher from SC.
  • Wait for HWC to call with my options.
  • HWC calls, but hasn't really read the diagnostic report. ("I guess we haven't done the proper research. We'll have to call you back").
  • Wait for HWC to call back.
  • They never do.
  • Call HWC to find out what the heck is going on.
  • ("Oh yes, it looks like you are eligible for a new dishwasher. Here is a model number of what we are willing to put in. You need to go to a store or look online to see that this one will fit in your allotted space and that all the hook-ups are the same").
  • I look it up online, all the while pondering how on earth I'm going to know if all the "hook-ups are the same," then say the heck with it and order up.
  • I call HWC to inform them of my decision.
  • HWC goes through a very long disclaimer about what isn't covered, making me think they are definitely hustling me and that no matter what I order, there will most definitely be a problem.
  • HWC agrees to ship the new dishwasher to my house--in 5-7 business days. ("We can call you back tomorrow to give you a more narrow time frame.)"
  • HWC actually calls back, informing me when the dishwasher will arrive and that I need to call the SC when it does to set up the installation. ("Looks like we can deliver your dishwasher on Friday--between 10:00 and 2:00").
  • Delivery Company (DC) calls at 6:45 Friday morning to say that they are on their way and should be to my house in 20 minutes.
  • DC leaves dishwasher in garage.
  • I call SC when they finally open for business around 9:00. ("I think we can get to that on Monday--between 10:00 and 2:00").
  • New dishwasher is finally installed and old dishwasher sits in garage waiting to be hauled off to the dump--because that is one of the things that neither the HWC or SC is responsible for.
I'm thankful to finally have a working dishwasher, I just wish I could have had it a little sooner. And, really, what is it with service companies and their all-day time-frames for getting things done?! I can understand a small window of time, but all day is ridiculous! And then to have the audacity to ask if they should call first! As if we're all just sitting around with absolutely nothing to do but wait for them to show up! It's ludicrous! But, I digress. The point is, I have a new, working dishwasher and no more puddle in the floor...And I only had to wait two weeks for it!


  1. oh, tell me about it.
    our friend who's working on our house evidently is not a morning person. the earliest he has arrived for a day's work has been 11:30. But can I complain? No! My husband's still abed too.

    Today I tried to call the plumber and ask if they could possibly come after 11 so my husband wouldn't be disturbed in his sleeping. They couldn't guarantee that, but we are the next person on the list, and they could arrive any time between and 11, or maybe later, they don't really know. Perhaps earlier?

    Ah well. We are blessed to have the money to actually pay for these house repairs, rather than having to wait on them.

  2. Oh how frustrating. But YEA for the new DW.

    You could probably put the broken DW on the curb and someone will come pick it up to repair on their own. That happens all the time in our neighborhood around bulk trash time.

  3. Anonymous7:28 PM

    When we moved into our new house the phone man said he would be here between 8 and 12. He even asked if he should call before he came (phone man??). He showed up at 6:45 p.m.


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