Summer 2017

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Just A Little Fishy

Weston's swim lessons are going very well. He is just a little fish. He isn't afraid at all (which is terrifying for me). In fact, the teacher says she's been teaching for quite a while and hasn't ever seen such a little guy be so brave. He loves to go under and jump off the side and stand in the shallow water up to his chin and bob up and down. He tries every way he can to get free of me. (Did I mention this lack of fear terrifies me)?! I even dreamed last night that he kept jumping into the pool before I could get there. After totally freaking out several times and jumping into the pool over and over fully clothed, I realized that he knew how to swim and he was o.k. and I was able to relax. I wouldn't say I'm all that relaxed in real life with Weston around water, but I will say that he is really learning to pay attention around the water and wait for me to be ready for him. I wish I could share some picutres, but I don't dare take my eye off him for even a second!

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