Summer 2017

Monday, November 12, 2007

I Do

Jeff and I began our life together a little over nine years ago with these two little words: I do. What we meant by that was: "I do promise to love, honor and cherish you from now on." Well, "I do" has recently taken on an entirely different meaning in our household. As Weston approaches two, he has claimed this phrase for his very own. His meaning is slightly different than the unselfish way Jeff and I first said it. His meaning is: "I do intend to do this (whatever it is) entirely by myself without any help from anyone, thank you very much!" And any unsolicited help is immediately met with a shrill whine or real deal tears. I do love "2!"

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of heart breaking and thrilling at the same time to have your baby want independence.

    Congrats on 9 years too.

    Life is one fun, bittersweet, blessed journey :-)


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