Summer 2017

Monday, November 26, 2007

Here A Party, There A Party

It's been one big party around here since I last wrote. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving party and enjoyed spending time with all our family while they were here. The potato martinis were a huge hit and were super-yummy. My parents and in-laws enjoyed them so much that they are already planning to borrow all the glasses for their own potato martini parties! Weston's birthday party with the family was a blast! It was definitely a boy party--complete with dirt cake in a dump truck, lots of truck and tractor toys, and a hard hat pinata. After the festivities on Thursday, we made our way to my in-laws place at Lake Buchanan, where the cold, rainy weather made a perfect backdrop for a weekend of board games, hot chocolate and visiting. Today was Weston's real birthday, so the party just continued. We all sang "Happy Birthday" to him first thing this morning (as he was sitting on the potty), and his swim class also sang to him. When I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, he said, "Place. Booster Seat. Pasta." I gathered that he wanted to go to someplace where he had sat in a booster seat and had pasta. Jeff and I brainstormed for quite a while to figure out where that might be and finally came up with Red Robin. Jeff pulled up a picture on the internet and showed Weston, and sure enough, he said that's where he wanted to go. He ended up deciding on the corndog instead of the pasta, but we were so proud of him for communicating to us where he wanted to go. He opened his gifts from us when we got home, which rounded out the boy toys quite nicely. Now I just have to figure out where we're going to put all of them! It's been a fun few days, and we can anticipate one more little party this week as we celebrate Ruth's half-birthday on Thursday.


  1. You are the best hostess! What a beautifully decorated Thanksgiving and I LOVE the dump cake in the dump truck. Happy birthday, Weston!

  2. Thanks, Angela! It was a really fun party.


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