Summer 2017

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Hard Luck Haircut

I have had the worst luck with haircuts the last several months. I've been going to the same place for a few years and have been completely pleased with the lady who cuts my hair. Unfortunately, she sort of flaked out over the summer. And so I've been putting off haircuts, and finally searching for a new salon. I must say, it's not going well. I feel like I've been going around with shaggy dog hair since about June. And when I tell people I want it short, they don't seem to believe me. I went in to a place today, with pictures in hand, firmly saying over and over that I wanted it much shorter. The only thing she kept saying back was "I think it should be longer here, here and here." Consequently, she didn't cut it as short as I wanted it. Which means sometime next week, it will probably be driving me crazy. Ugh! If anyone out there has a fabulous stylist (who won't cost me an arm and a leg), who knows how to listen and/or can look at a picture and at least get a general idea, please, please send me their name. I'm desperate here!


  1. Sorry- I'm no help, but I know how frustrating it is when people don't listen. Hope you get a good one soon!

  2. I am loyal to my hairstylist because the first time I went to her I told her that I would be loyal if she listened to me--she does listen but it does cost me. I push my appointments out 2 - 2 1/2 months instead of 6 weeks, though, so I don't feel so bad. I think it's $50 or $60 for a wash, cut & style; I've gotten my hair colored as well for so long that I've forgotten a cut price. Her name is Kim Turney and she works at Salon Bo. It's on So Congress -- South of the river.

    My friend, Jill, has fantastic hair and she doesn't pay much for someone on Burnet so I'll get the name and price and pass on to you.


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