Summer 2017

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fun Day

Here are some of the highlights of the day:

  • Around noon, my parents and grandparents came over for a visit.
  • On the way to and from her Portuguese class, Ruth finished her ninth (and final) book for this new poster--without anyone even looking over her shoulder. Many of the books she read for this poster were second and third grade level books.
  • As a reward for completing the poster, and after giving her book report to a room full of eager relatives, Ruth chose a trip to Amy's for ice cream (Mexican vanilla with candy corns crushed in, anyone?) and some play time with the cows.
  • Granny and I looked through Weston's scrapbook and remembered him as a little baby. (Is he really almost two-years-old)?!
  • Weston got to add four stars to his calendar! (That's four successful trips to the potty, for those of you not familiar with our star system)!
  • We had chili and cornbread for dinner. (Yay, Fall)!
  • We had a little early birthday celebration for Jeff, complete with chocolate cake.
  • The kids left with my parents and grandparents, and Jeff and I got to have an impromptu date night. We made our first trip over to The Domain (a new fancy-smancy shopping area here in Austin), perused the bookstore and enjoyed each other's company along with some Chai Lattes.
All-in-all a really wonderful day!


  1. That sounds like a FANTASTIC fall day.

    Good for Ruth. Do they have GT classes for kindergarten? I think she is very advanced . . .

    Good for Weston! Maybe you'll get a break on buying diapers for a few weeks :-)

    Lucky you and Jeff! Trey and I have a date night scheduled for Nov 5th; he'll be down with school (gets his BBA in about a week!!!) and mom is watching D. It's the first night off in a LONGGGG time.

  2. So glad you and Trey have set aside some time for the two of you! I know you will both be relieved when he is finished with school!


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