Summer 2017

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Precious Moment

All the moments that we have with our children are precious in their own way. But some moments are precious precisely because they are so rare. These moments come into our lives unexpectedly and go quickly away. And they are to be treasured completely and whole-heartedly. I had just such a moment with Weston today. He and I both had a hard time getting started today, after the long weekend and with the sky dark with rain clouds. Around 9:00, we went into the living room to read some books. I was lying on the couch and Weston was on the floor. After a while I noticed that Weston wasn't looking at books anymore, but was lying on the floor singing his "sleepy song." I was just watching him and thanking the Lord for such a sweet little person to love, and wondering if I ought to scoop him him and take him to bed, when he glanced in my direction and made eye contact with me. His face lit up and he toddled over and climbed up on top of me. He laid his head down on my chest and immediately fell asleep. And with my heart full of love and joy, I quickly fell asleep as well. We stayed that way for just about an hour, and it was absolute bliss. You don't get moments like this with your children very often, and for me it was truly precious. I'm so thankful for that moment, and I sincerly hope that the next time I have an opportunity for such a moment I recognize it for what it is and take full advantage of it before it slips away from me forever.

1 comment:

  1. I have one of those moments from Danielle's infant days. It was pure love and I don't think I will ever forget it.


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