Summer 2017

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Joys Of Pregnancy

Well, I'm past the morning sickness, nausea and debilitating headaches that accompanied the first trimester and have moved on to the joys of nosebleeds and heartburn that grace the days and nights of the second trimester. And I'm starting to have more pressure on my bladder and lungs. But the trade-off is that I can now feel the baby moving (playing soccer? practicing karate?) all the time, which at least makes all this stuff seem like it's for a reason. (And his brother is infinitely helpful in insuring that this little guy knows all the moves, since he seems intent on keeping regular practice times on my lap, where he kicks from the outside).

By this time around, I'm familiar with the drill. But I have the priviledge of knowing now what I didn't know the first time around: It's totally worth it! The end reward more than makes up for these few months of discomfort. I know the moment I see this little man, the path to get here will be nothing but a dim memory.

Now, if you'll excuse me, there is a bottle of Tums calling my name.

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