Summer 2017

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fun Friday

  • I had lunch with Ruth at her school today (at 10:30 am!) for the first time. That was really fun! Nothing makes a Kindergartner more popular with her friends than having her mom (or any grown-up, for that matter) have lunch with her. (Ironically, nothing can make a junior high kid less popular). I opened half a dozen milks and syrup packages and answered innumerable questions about everything under the sun. I loved it!
  • I had a pedicure--(Thanks, Mom and Bill)! It was a very relaxing hour and I now have beautiful red toenails, which make me feel pretty!
  • I cleaned off the desk in my bedroom, and I can actually see the desktop now! I feel like my life is a little more under control now!
  • I talked to Jeff and Weston on the phone. I CAN'T WAIT for them to be home tomorrow! I miss them bunches!
  • I deposited a Body Dulce check in the bank!
  • I took Ruth to Half-Price Books and we cleared out the clearance rack! I bought the children 22 books for $17. Included was an almost-complete set of picture dictionaries, which Ruth specifically asked me for so she can make her own dictionary. She loves to copy words out of books. She makes thematic lists (animals, foods, etc.) and sometimes she also likes to illustrate the lists. I figure there are definitely worse things she could do with her time. I also got her some new reading books, since she's goes through them so quickly and our supply of "new" books was getting a little low.
  • We ordered take-out from Chuy's, rented a movie and had another girl party.
  • Ruth read to me, and I read to her.
It was a fabulous day and a great start to the weekend!

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