Summer 2017

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

All Is Vanity

Maybe once a year (or more like every 2 or 3, if I'm really honest), I begrudgingly set about the task of cleaning up my vanity area and the surrounding cabinets and drawers. Today was that day. Every time I undertake this task, I am absolutely amazed at how many products I find. And the purpose of each and every one of them is my own raging vanity. This one will make me smell better. That one will make my skin softer. Things for hair, nails, skin, lips, etc., etc. Now, raise your hand if this reminds you of your own vanity area? Come on, now, I know I'm not the only one. So as not to embarrass you further, we'll go back to me. (But I know you're out there). And the point is: all is vanity. And everything seems to be partially used up. Many things finally made their way to the trash can today. But today, as always, many things went back (more neatly, granted) into their hiding places with a promise from myself to check there first before buying anything new. But I'm honest enough to know that I will probably not be able to resist the siren song of the beauty aisle. And the real crazy thing is, I'm not really a product fanatic. Or a beauty nut. I just like to try new things every now and then, and they just add up over time. O.k. that's it. The point is, I have a lot of stuff, but it's more organized now.

This Vanity Insanity Moment has been brought to you by the letter (and the question) "Y," and the number "2," as in "2 Many."


  1. lol - you are too funny.
    My vanity area is insane, too. I have way too many half-used eye shadows and powders while I am completely out of blush and close to being out of base. I also lose lipsticks all the time.

  2. I have a similar problem with kitchen gadgets, but not vanity items.

  3. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Girl . . . you think you're in bad shape? Imagine how bad my area is. . . . I AM a product fanatic. But don't stress it - I think 'pretty-ing up' is one of the best parts of being a girl:)

  4. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Look at it this way - now that you're in the biz, it's really all just market research - maybe even a tax write-off.


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