Summer 2017

Monday, July 09, 2007

My Crowning Achievement

No, I'm not talking about getting the stench out of Weston's carseat.

And it's not that I sucessfully completed Portuguese I.

Good guesses, but my crowning achievement for today was parallel parking at UT--without hitting any other cars, or giving up or getting one tire up on the curb or getting so close to the curb that I couldn't get the sliding van door open or anything. Normally, the very thought of undertaking this task is enough to send me speeding to the parking garage. The only time I will even consider it is when I can ease into an "end" spot. But tonight, I decided to go for broke. And thankfully, I didn't actually break anything! I slid into a spot right between an SUV and a little compact, and it was awesome. I do have to give some props to my backseat driver. Ruth climbed into the very back seat and told me when I was getting close to the car behind me. I don't really have any idea how accurate her "help" was, but she felt important and it kept her from any other distracting remarks, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! I am awful at parallel parking and will only do it if I can drive into the spot and no one will be either in front of or behind me when I need to leave.

    Danielle wants to get together with Ruth soon - she's reminded me quite a bit lately.


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