Summer 2017

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Eat A Rainbow

I think the geniuses that thought up this clever little saying were looking to inspire children (and people in general) to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. My son, however, decided to take that saying to a whole other level today. He managed to somehow find Ruth's secret stash of markers, pop the lids off, and eat--that's right, EAT--them. I found him--not once, but twice--today chowing down on Crayola's best. Thank goodness Crayola thought to make them washable and non-toxic! In the heat of the moment I failed to grab my camera, but maybe you can create a mental image with the help of this "Little Guy" I found on the internet. Only imagine that there isn't one single, solitary sliver of pinkish skin tone anywhere near the mouth, tounge or hands. He defintely ate his purple and teal today. And, as an aside, he did also manage to get some green at dinner time, when he went absolutely crazy over the spinach nuggets I served. (He ate 7 of them as quickly as he could get them into his hands and shove them in his mouth). If you decide to "eat a rainbow," may I suggest you stick to the spinach nuggets and avoid the markers. It's a lot less messy and it has to taste better!


  1. oh yuck. Were they the markers that are scented? Maybe it feels good on his teeth?

  2. No, just regular old markers. I couldn't begin to come up with any kind of logical explanation, but you may be right about the teeth.

  3. Pretty silly. What are spinach nuggets? Sounds yummy!

  4. We got the spinach nuggets at Costco. They look just like chicken nuggets, but they are made out of spinach instead.


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