Summer 2017

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Early Bird Gets It, Alright

I am not a morning person, but I have resolved to try to get up earlier so I can have a little more "me" time and get some things done that just aren't that easy to do with the kids under my feet. It sounds like a pretty good plan, huh?! Well, apparently, my eldest child has some sort of timer built into her body which runs right along with whatever clock I choose to use. The earlier I get up, the earlier she gets up--leaving me not with more "me" time, but actually more "mommy" time. Maybe there's some reason I'm a night person to begin with!


  1. It's magic.

    I actually go to great lengths not to wake Emlyn up when I get up. I don't flush the toilet or get dressed in my bathroom (right under her room). I don't open the garage door or the front door, both of which make her wake up easily. This morning she was 40 minutes behind me. That's usually as much as I get. Unless I get up at 6.

  2. yep. And kids don't understand the importance of sleeping in on Saturdays either! I guess that'll change when they are teenagers and we can't get them out of bed before 11!


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