Summer 2017

Friday, July 20, 2007

And Still The Rain Came Down

This is the mantra of an adorable children's book, which I can really relate to. The constant raining makes everyone a little irritable and causes crazy things to happen. But when the sun comes out, everyone seems to forget their troubles and remember how much fun it is just to enjoy life. I love it! Don't get me wrong, I'm not really complaining about rain in JULY or the cooler temperatures that result. It's just hard for me to get motivated when the skies are gray--and are predicted to be that way for the next ten days--(and have been that way for more days than I can count this summer). It's not all bad, though, the yard looks better than it's ever looked and, like I said, the temperture is much more moderate. Plus, the napping is pretty good when you can get it!

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