Summer 2017

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sure Plays A Mean Pinball

Well, with a quaratine in place at our house, we had to come up with some creative things to do today, and one of them was dragging out the old-school 8 bit Nintendo. We played Mario Bros., Mike Tyson's Punch Out, some pinball game, Mega Man III and my personal favorite, Rad Racer-- some with a little more coaxing of the old machine than others. Ruth loses interest in these old games very quickly, and I'm not really too far behind her. But Jeff really loves them. You can just see on his face and hear in his commentary that he's 10 again. We should all have something in our lives that take us back like that. Ruth and I also found refuge in the equally old-school game of Yahtzee. The girl is good. I have never played that game with her that she hasn't beat the pants off me, and today was no exception. Our quaratine is still on for tomorrow, so we'll see what else we can come up with for entertainment.


  1. oh--quarentine - no fun. Games - fun. Part of the fun of having the little ones is getting to play those old games. We play Hi Ho Cherryo, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Chutes and Ladders and I remember I just LOVED those games. Yatzhee is good too but we don't have it here . . . it's at my parents. I'll have to pull it out to see how Danielle likes it. I would love to have our old atari, but then again I don't know when we'd get a chance to play it.

  2. What a good mom you are. I didn't even think of board games- we just watched too much TV while we were under quarantine.

    Emlyn liked Yahtzee ok, but she was too tired to really appreciate it I think.


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