Summer 2017

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Sound Of Silence

The kids are staying with Jeff's parents all week, making it very quiet around our house indeed! This is a situation I'm not the least bit used to, and so every once in a while, I imagine that I hear the children playing or talking or laughing or screaming or whatever. It's weird--the silence and the imaginings. Jeff and I have tried to make the most of our kid-free time. We saw a movie and went out for dinner on Sunday night. We had a quick bite to eat together before Portuguese class last night. And tonight we went out to dinner and then did a little shopping--long after the "normal" hours for those events. I also did some shopping during the day today--the kind that just can't be done with two little ones tagging along. And yesterday afternoon, I took full advantage of the silence (and the rainstorm) to read a little of my book and nap away my migraine. We talked to the kids last night, and they are having a blast. And the grandparents are thrilled beyond belief to have the kids there. It's definitley a win-win-win. But on this end it's definitely a silent victory.

1 comment:

  1. When we were in Las Vegas I had the same feeling. It was lovely to be just an adult couple, but there were a few times when the silence seemed to weigh heavily.


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