Summer 2017

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Swing, Batter Batter, Swing

We took a break from celebrating Ruth's birthday tonight to celebrate Weston's half-birthday, since we will be at my cousin's graduation on Saturday, his real half-birthday. We had dinner at Luby's, which is a huge hit for kiddos, as they get a goodie bag, a balloon and free Jell-O. And they get to see all that food at eye level and the choices are endless. Weston doesn't really care so much about that yet (although Ruth certainly does), but he definitely likes to get his food quickly and to eat, eat, eat. (Bid Kid Meal for him, thank you very much). When we got home, we had chocolate chip cookies for dessert and then let Weston open his little gift from us. I think he liked it. What do you think?


  1. Looks like a good choice to me! And Ruth hovering in the background looks so BIG! I can't believe I am the mom of a 5 year old... Makes me think I should be grown up now or something.

    I've taken your ideas about birthdays to heart. Each day this week we've done something fun for Emlyn. She had a great day today.

  2. Glad you guys are enjoying Emmy's birthday season. This is really a fun age, isn't it?!

  3. 6 months of practice before his (whole) birthday pinata, huh? The other kids won't stand a chance!

    Where do you go to Luby's? We've never gotten the balloon or goodie bag--just the free jello. Which it fine, I was just surprised to read that.

  4. This time we went to the Luby's at 183 and Peacan Park, just north of our our house. We have also been to the one at Mopac and Steck, although I can't remember balloons there.


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