Summer 2017

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Playroom Found

Our playroom has been lost for quite a while. It kind of just became a dumping ground for all toys that we were too lazy to take upstairs or put away in their proper places. And, honestly, I was actually sort of afraid to go in there. But, you'll remember that the other day I had some major success in finding things in the play kitchen box that did not belong there. That box resides in the playroom, and so I was inspired to see what else I might find. And what do you know: I found the playroom! It's actually a very lovely room. I know it probably won't be long before it's back in complete disarray, but for now, everything is in it's place and some things have moved on to a new home outside of our house. And speaking of found rooms: Ruth spent the last two days (with strong prompting from the parents) finding her room, and it looks so good now. And she was so proud of her accomplishment. I just wish she would remember tomorrow how much she enjoyed it today. But, I digress. The point is we found two rooms in our house today, and that's really good news.

1 comment:

  1. lol! I understand completely. I'm kind of scared to drive into the file/shred paperwork pile here at our house.


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