Summer 2017

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Callie Sighting

Tonight we had dinner out, and when our waiter came up, he just stared at Ruth for a moment and then commented that she looked exactly like his friend's daughter. He couldn't believe how similar they looked. And then he said that the little girl he knew was named Callie. Some of you will recall that before Weston came along, Ruth had an imaginary sister named Callie. Weird, huh?! We haven't heard much from Callie since Weston arrived, but all this talk of Callie reminded me of a really cute story. A few months before Weston was born, with talk of Callie an absolute non-stop around our house, Ruth and I were shopping in a clothing store that had mirrors placed strategically all around it. Ruth got a little off from me a one point and suddenly screamed out: "Mom! Come here!" So, I came right away and found her standing in front of one of the mirrors. "Mom! Did you know my sister was going to be here? Have you met my sister before? Look! She does everything I do!" It was really hilarious! I haven't thought of that in a while and it was good to laugh at the memory again tonight.


  1. Aww, that's cute. Danielle still has many imaginary friends and, of course, "not the real" Hayden, Fiona and Jasmine are usually always around. But Olie and Billy don't come around very much any more.

    Callie is quite an unusual name--does she know someone by that name?

  2. At the time we had never heard of anyone with that name. Now we have a little second-cousin named Callista and they call her Callie.

    Wonder if Danielle is hanging on to her imaginary friends because of being an only child? Ruth's went away right after we had Weston. She is still constantly carrying on conversations with people I can't see, but it's more like she's narrating a story than that they are actually her friends.


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