Summer 2017

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Blog Bonus

I don't normally have two posts in one day, but you can just consider it an advance on the weekend, since we'll be away. Plus, I just had to post these funny Ruthisms.

--The conversation was tuned to half-birthdays yesterday, for obvious reasons, and Ruth had a lightbulb moment. She wanted to know exactly when her half-birthday was, and we told her Novemeber 29. "Wow!" she said, "Both my birthday and my half-birthday have a 29!"

--This morning, while I was bathing the children and Ruth was scrubbing her pits, she asked, "Mom, how come I don't have little seeds in my pits like you?"

You just never know what's going to be said around here! Happy weekend. Happy Memorial Day. See you Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful and have fun at the graduation!


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