Summer 2017

Monday, April 09, 2007

What Did You Learn Today?

Most days, either over dinner or just before bed, one of us will ask the group what we learned today. Ruth asked the question at dinner tonight. Here are the answers:

Daddy: Was on his way out the door to go to Portuguese class where he hoped to learn a lot.

Mommy: I learned that if you put a load of towels in the dryer but never actually turn the dryer on, the towels will become dry, but not in the soft, fluffy towel sense.

Ruth: Perfected the "donkey kick" at gymnastics and learned that Jeffrey, from her class, had the same thing as her for lunch (a burrito), but his came in a fancy Lunchable package.

Weston: Didn't have much to say, but did learn what a cow says today.

What did you learn today?


  1. If you mean today--early Tuesday morning--that if I accidentily leave my cat out all night he is very affectionate when he gets back in.

    I you mean yesterday--that sweetened, condensed milk is GOOOOOD; I've had it in the pantry and never used. I used in a recipe last night and tasted a little and it is SOOOO GOOOOOD. But it's fattening--the ingredients are whole milk and sugar.

  2. Denali learned that colored pencils do color on linoleum.

    Emlyn learned that sometimes you have to choose between chocolate milk for the week or a new learning book.

    Sarah learned that dowel rods are very useful, even in strange circumstances.


Say what you need to say