Summer 2017

Sunday, April 29, 2007

We're Back

We're back. We're refreshed. And our weekend was wonderful. We drove around Toronto in a little car that was slightly too big to be a roller skate for Jeff. But it was easily worth the six dollars a day we paid for it. We stayed up until midnight talking and laughing and being encouraged by good friends. We had brunch at a place called The Muddy Duck, where they had the most amazing orange juice machine and the teeniest juice glasses we'd ever seen, so we filled hundreds of them. And we didn't call our kids once, figuring (correctly) that they were having too much fun to talk to us and that if there was something serious that we needed to know about Alan and Bekki would call us. Mimi and Grandpa apparently didn't share the same philosophy, as they called twice during the weekend "just to see how things were going" and to offer their assistance (from Las Vegas) if Alan and Bekki needed anything. Fortunately for everyone, no assistance was needed from the parents or the grandparents. And the kids, as well as the Aunt and Uncle, had a really great weekend. They got to ride horses and pick dewberries, which they made into a cobbler and a pie. And, of course, they got to play with all the fun pets at Alan and Bekki's house. And Uncle Alan got to have his first diaper experiences, which may very well keep him from ever having children of his own. But despite this, I think this first babysitting experience went well for them, and I think they enjoyed it. (And maybe they will be willing to do it again for us sometime). I hope you all had a great weekends as well.

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