Summer 2017

Friday, April 20, 2007

Insurance Rep Resorts To Dramatic Scare Tactics

Blood-curdling screams were heard today in the Indian Oaks neighborhood, when it was presumed that a young girl and her brother were being massacred in the backyard. Upon further inspection, both were found to be alive, but still in great distress. Though they were not actually dealt a death blow, the young girl claims to have been brutally attacked by the suspect pictured above. He apparently grabbed her arm and began "poking [her] with his little feet." And, upon hearing her screams, her brother came to her defense by initiating his own scream. Apparently, their tactic worked, because the suspect rushed off in a blur, and both parents of the children came running. Both children are recovering at home tonight and seem to be doing fine. The suspect has not been found for questioning, and some believe the screaming may actually have caused him to have a heart attack on the spot. If you do see him, though, please report it immediately. If the screaming is any indication, he is a very dangerous criminal indeed.


  1. I thought he was your pet! Isn't that what Ruth had said? I'm glad everyone is okay. :)

  2. The one in the front yard that she could barely see sticking out of the grass was her pet. The one in her toy box that crawled onto her arm in the back was definitely a criminal!


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