Summer 2017

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Can't Belive My Luck

Generally speaking, my luck runs along these lines: If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. But today must have truly been my lucky day. It was naptime and I was making my way home from the grocery store. About two blocks from my house, there is a three-way stop (where I had a run-in with the law a couple of years ago). As I approahed that intersection today, I noticed right away that there were two motorcycle cops on one corner and a police car parked on another. The cops were all out on the sidwalk talking to several children, and I immediately assumed that there had been some accident--maybe a child had been struck by a car on his bike or something. When I reached the stop sign, one of the cops waved me through, so away I went, thinking they must be closing down the road for some reason. A glance in my rearview mirror told me that I had mistaken the cop's gesture, and that he was actually trying to get me to pull over. "Oh," I thought, "they must be questioning people in the neighborhood." So, I pulled over, and immediately started apologizing to the officer for misinterpreting his hand signal. He was good-natured about it, and then explained that he was just in the area trying to enforce the speed limit. This was a lightbulb moment for me, because it was the first time it occured to me that he was pulling me over because I was breaking the law. This didn't bode well for me at all, since I just had a speeding ticket three months ago. But the cop was very friendly (and Weston was whining, ready for his nap), and so he just gave me a warning. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I seriously couldn't believe my luck. I definitely think it's time for me to become a little less lead-footed.

1 comment:

  1. That stop sign is in the most random location, around a curve and everything. I always almost run that one. Good luck is always nice!


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