Summer 2017

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Big K, little k. What Begins With K?

Kindergarden, krying, K, K, K. (Work with me here, o.k.)!

Today was RRISD's Kindergarden Round-up, where they invite incoming Kindergardeners to the school to register for the upcoming school year. So this morning, with much enthusiasm, we entered Ruth's elementary school for the first time. We filled out the forms and found out some useful information and then got back in our van to come home. And for some reason that I can't quite explain, I noticed some moisture forming around the corners of my eyes. I know it couldn't have been tears, because I have always sworn that I would never be one of those moms--you know, the ones who cry on the first day of school and [gasp] on the registration day for the first day of school. Now don't get me wrong, I'm so excited for Ruth to go to school, and I just think it's going to be so wonderful. But I will admit that I did feel a twinge of sadness as we pulled out of the parking lot today. I just can't believe my little girl is growing up so quickly. And I think I'm going to miss her, cheesy as it sounds.

Tonight, when I was tucking her into bed, I was telling her how proud I was of her and how excited I was that we had signed her up for Kindergarden today, and she said to me: "Yeah. It's funny because it seems like I'm still a little girl, but I'm not really." And that pretty much sums it up. I want to watch her fly, and I want to give her the freedom she needs to do just that, but I have to say that just the thought of letting her go is harder than I ever thought it would be.


  1. Emlyn is just so excited. We don't register till the 24th but she is just beside herself at being able to walk to school! I think it will be a great time but I am a little sad too.

  2. Danielle's registration was just like the last 2 years so it didn't affect me. But I remember the first day we dropped her off at the school. MUCH harder than at your house. I cried and cried!!!


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