Summer 2017

Monday, March 12, 2007

Life's Little Mysteries

A mystery by it's very nature and definition is mysterious. But some mysteries you kind of expect and accept: How many stars are there, really? What are the Marfa Lights? And what exactly is in a hot dog? No one really knows the answers to these things, though therories may abound. And that's o.k. We just accept that we don't know and move on. But some mysteries just kind of buzz around your head like a little gnat that you can't see, but you know it is there and it won't go away. Just such a mystery occured at the Watts house today. The kids and I left the house after lunch to run a couple of errands. We were probably gone an hour and a half. When we disembarked in the driveway upon our return, I noticed dirt spread all over the sidwalk. My immediate thought was that our resident rogue armadillo had really gotten out of control, uncharacteristicly in the middle of the day. But upon further inspection I noticed that there was definitely a method to the madness. A section of our front yard had been edged and mowed. I fired our last two lawn guys and haven't replaced them for this season yet, so I called Jeff to see if he had hired someone without telling me. He didn't know anything about it. Only a very small portion of the yard had been touched, and there wasn't a note or any indication of who had done the work. Mystery deluxe, is it not?!


  1. sounds like a neighbor. we have a couple neighbors who will be helpful like that, and we help in return.

  2. Actually, I kind of think it was a neighbor. But I don't think they meant to be helpful. I think the kid down the street (who is one of the afore-mentioned fired lawn guys) asked his buddy to help him out and just said something "I need some help with my neighbor's lawn." And I think the buddy showed up first and didn't know exactly which neighbor's yard it was, and started on ours by mistake before the other guy got there. That's my therory, anyway.


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