Summer 2017

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Ruth has dozens of friends, some of which she has had since she was 6 months old. And some of which are spending the night here tonight, as she has her first official sleepover. Weston, however, is just starting to get into the friend game, as it's difficult to make friends when you're napping. It's fun to see him starting to interact with people his size and with his same skill set. We met a little boy his age at the library today, and they really enjoyed each other. Then, this afternoon, we had a playdate with a new neighbor who has a little girl just a little younger than Weston, and they played really well together, too. Friends are fun, and we are so thankful for all our friends, both old and new!


  1. Wow! A sleepover! How cool!

    Hope Weston stops napping as much and starts making friends!

  2. Well, now, we don't want to be too hasty in wishing away those naps! :)

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