Summer 2017

Monday, March 26, 2007

Back Among The Living

We all survived our bouts with the tummy bug, but that's not to say we didn't wake up in what looked like a war-zone. I have no idea how being in flux between flat on my back and locked in a bathroom for just less than 24-hours could have inspired such a grandiose mess, but let me tell you, it did. The living room was literally an unnavigable maze of toys, books, blankets, shoes, just-in-case trash cans, magazines, piles of dried Play-Doh, pillows, Pepto bottles, remote controls, half-eaten bowls of soup and not-quite-finished glasses of Gingerale. And that was just the living room! So, Ruth and I dove in this afternoon--with a little help from Weston, who has discovered how fun it can be to pick something up off the floor and put it in the bucket. (Of course, he still thinks it's pretty fun to take something out of the bucket and put it on the the floor)! We got the house back into a livable condition and now I truly feel like I'm back among the living. The next time I decide to take a day off, I think I'll try somewhere other than Couchtown or Sickville, or at least try to bring along a maid!

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