Summer 2017

Thursday, March 08, 2007

15-Month Check-Up

Well, we finally got everything worked out with the new insurance and were able to get Weston in to the new pediatrician today for his 15-month check-up. We like the new doctor just fine, but are still a bit sad to leave our other doctor. Dr. Little says Weston looks great and is doing all the things he's supposed to do at this age. She was most impressed with the way he wasn't bothered in the least by strangers. She admired his independence and liked the way he wanted to explore his surroundings. She also got a kick out of his toddler shiner, which he got when he fell while trying to walk over a pile of shoes and sleeping bags at the sleepover. Weston got two shots, and while he wasn't quite as tough as last time, the crying only lasted a moment. Weston is now 32 in. tall and weighs 25 lbs, which is a pretty good arm workout for Mom, I'll tell you. We are so proud of our big guy and the way he's growing and developing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! Good to know he's healthy and all.

    I'll have to see that shiner. Sounds funny.


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