Summer 2017

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Jeff's last day at NI was yesterday, leaving him officially unemployeed for the first time since I've known him. And, frankly, it's been fun. We spent the day together, taking care of some necessary car issues, playing at RadiJazz and creating a very yummy dinner. He'll be a contractor for BazaarVoice the next couple of days and will start full-time on Monday. So, here's what unempolyeed looks like:


  1. Looks like you all had a great time. Have fun with the unemployed guy!

    When my sister moved in with us while she looked for a job I thought we would get to play and hang out. Unfortunately she decided she had to get a job almost immediately so within a week she had a temp job. Darn responsible workers.

  2. looks like fun. Best of luck with the new adventure!


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