Summer 2017

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Two Little Monkeys Sitting In A Tree


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I just need to chime in here and say that I'm a bit jealous y'all are wearing shorts. . . .
    we are supposed to get 7 - 10 inches of snow tonight on top of the 8 inches we got last weekend. . . . . brrrrrr!!

    Enjoy the weather for me ok?

  2. Well, the jealousy is not mutual. I don't care for snow except to look at in pictures or ski in just every so often. The weather here has been beautiful! We'll soak up some of it for you! Better yet, you could come see us...

  3. So cute--"they are climbing a TREE!" is what Danielle exclaimed. What amazing kids!


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