Summer 2017

Monday, February 12, 2007

Spaghetti Squash Is Cool

I cooked a dish tonight that I have never made before, but will definitely try again. On a whim at the store the other day I bought a spaghetti squash. I have never bought one of those before, and I've certainly never cooked one. But basically, you put it in the oven and when it gets soft, it turns into "spaghetti." It was very fun. And besides that, it tasted pretty darn good. We tossed ours with sauteed onions, green pepper, garlic, tomatoes and some Italian spices. I think it would also be good with just about any kind of pasta sauce. The next time you're at the store pick one up and see what you can come up with. If nothing else, you (and your kids) will have fun watching an ordinary squash turn into everybody's favorite: spaghetti.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of the squashes and that is one of our favorites, too.


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