Summer 2017

Friday, January 05, 2007

A Warning For My Mom

The sidewalk sale at Half-Price Books is hard to beat. The kids and I strolled down to the one near the dry-cleaner today just to take a look, and we came away with six books (3 hardbacks, a paperback, a cookbook and a board book, all in like-new condition) for just $5. It was awesome. If it wouldn't have been so close to nap time (a.k.a. cranky time) I probably could have picked up even more. Mom, be careful. This could potentially be very dangerous territory for you, because I don't think you could control yourself. But if you need someone to help you carry all the books to the car, give me a call. I'd be happy to lend a hand!


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    mandy howz it going thought i should write and tell you thanks for bringing ruth to visit anna at sharons. I spent that time working on paperwork and regret not having had the chance to see you in person. denali and made it home safely and currently have 6 feet of snow on each side of our walkway into the house. best regards and good wishes for the new years david and deali

  2. Hey, David. Thanks for the comment. We really enjoyed our time with Denali and were sorry we didn't get to see you too. Glad you made it home safely. I don't envy all that snow. We're haivng rain here, and that's enough percipitation for me! Hope you are all doing well.

  3. Yes, Halfprice books is dangerous at times. I try not to go in there too often as I already have a HUGE stack of books to read.


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