Summer 2017

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Take It Like A Man

We went in to the pediatrician's office today to get Weston's ears checked out. He is free of infection and quite healthy. But, while we were there the doctor noticed on his chart that he never had the flu booster he was suppose to have gotten, so she wanted him to have it today. So, the nurse came in and stuck him right in the leg. He winced ever so slightly and went "ugh." He didn't even act like he was going to cry. It was an incredible display of toughness! And most impressed of all was Ruth. She said, "Man. He didn't even cry. I always cry when they give me a shot because I hate shots!" Truth be told, she starts crying way before they give her the shot, so by the time they actually give it to her there isn't anything left to cry about. Weston is definitely the man. He was laughing it up before I could even get his pants pulled up.


  1. oh wow. Danielle also cries at just the thought of the doctor and the possibility of shots. Truth be told, I hate them too and must look aware to receive them myself.

  2. That's hilarious.

    Emmy and Denali don't cry too much but still don't enjoy it.


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